November 13-15, 2023 in New York


  • 2
    Tracks: Base Camp & Summit
  • 50+
    Speakers sharing latest insights
  • 10K+
    Devs from all over the globe
  • 700
    Luckies meet in New York
In collaboration with

The Event

React Summit is a celebration of good things coming together:

React with the manhattan views

The biggest React conference – React Summit – comes to the USA!

Network with fellow front-end and full-stack engineers, learn from industry experts, and promote your ideas all while experiencing the exciting vistas of Manhattan!

React Summit offers a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation.
The first day will be streamed from the New York venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and the second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, will be streamed to the global audience online.

Take advantage of being a part of the first-ever React Summit US conference!
Stay tuned!

Find out more best react conferences.

This year, you can expect authors and core teams of:




PRO workshops - November 14-17

FREE workshops - November 1-23

Get training from the best instructors at our workshops on React Advanced, TypeScript, Remix and more!

+ Remote Day


November, Monday

Join us in New York or watch online. There will be lots of hybrid networking and inclusive interactivity!

Remote Day


November, Wednesday

Streaming of both tracks, speaker QnA's and one more afterparty! Join us from anywhere in the world & connect with the global React community.

Want to know the rest? FOLLOW US

Speakers & Trainers

Rachel Nabors
Clerk, USA
Talk: Gateway to React: The Story

Rachel Nabors has worked web standards and opensource with Mozilla, the W3C, Microsoft, and lead the new React and React Native docs at and with the core teams at Meta. Their dream is to teach the world to code so others may create a future we can all believe in. After leading developer education at AWS Amplify, they are traveling the world, reconnecting with the community and making cool things.

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react server components
Josh Comeau
The Joy of React, Canada
Talk: The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks

Josh has spent the past few years focused on teaching developers how to do cool stuff on the web. Before that, he worked as a software engineer for organizations like Khan Academy, DigitalOcean, and Unsplash, and taught web development fundamentals at Concordia University, in partnership with Journey Education.

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react server components
Andrew Clark
Vercel, USA

Software Engineer at Vercel. He was part of the React core team for years at Meta prior to joining us about nine months ago and he will provide an interesting perspective as a web developer that has spent time at React and is now working on Next.js at Vercel.

Ken Wheeler
React Artist, USA
Talk: If You Aren’t First You’re Last

Core Architecture@[REDACTED], ReactJS Advocate, Speaker, Producer, Synthwave Artist, Google Dev Expert.

Kent C. Dodds
Epic React, USA
Talk: The Epic Stack

Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. He is the creator of EpicReact.Dev and He's an instructor on and Frontend Masters. He's also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is happily married and the father of four kids. He likes his family, code, JavaScript, and Remix.

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artificial intelligence
Shawn Swyx Wang
Latent.Space, Singapore
Talk: The Rise of the AI Engineer

Swyx is passionate about Developer Tooling and Developer Communities. He is currently Editor of Latent.Space. Swyx is an author of the Coding Career Handbook for Junior to Senior developer careers. In his free time he teaches React, TypeScript, Storybook and Node.js CLI's at, and helps run the Svelte Society community of meetups.

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react server components
Tom Preston-Werner
RedwoodJS, USA

Tom Preston-Werner is an inventor, entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. He is currently building RedwoodJS, Preston-Werner Ventures (investing in open source, dev tools, climate tech, AI), and 128 Collective (a climate think tank working on the just transition to 1.5 degrees). Tom also cofounded and was CEO of GitHub, and created Jekyll, SemVer, and TOML. He currently sits on the boards of Gitpod, Netlify, Mote Hydrogen, and Hack Club. Tom enjoys running, mountain biking, snowboarding, flying helicopters, baking sourdough, and eating tater tots.

Josh Goldberg
Open Source, USA
Talk: Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS

Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of the O’Reilly Learning TypeScript book, a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.

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react server components
Kathryn Middleton
Meta, USA

Kathryn Middleton is an Engineering Manager on the React team. Kathryn initially discovered web development when she wanted to make her myspace page look cool. She ended up majoring in Computer Science, and quickly became a huge fan of React building features on the team. Outside of programming she loves playing pingpong, teaching spin classes, and going plant shopping.

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Swizec Teller
Tia, USA
Talk: Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System

Swizec is a software engineer, author, educator, and conference speaker. He's published books on modern web technologies, data visualization, and productivity, and has trained engineering teams at Fortune500 companies. Now he's distilling 20 years of tacit experience into actionable steps.

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Henri Helvetica
command-h, Canada
Talk: R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures

Henri is a developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering with pinches of user experience. That, combined with his leadership of the Toronto Web Performance meetup, JAMstack Toronto meetup and curating conference content, has led to COMMAND-H — a small org in support of all his passions: people and developers.

When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, streaming, or profiling sites in his favourite tool, Henri is focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise), encouraging a healthy lifestyle and sharing it all via #devsWhoRun.

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artificial intelligence
Jesse Hall
MongoDB, USA
Talk: OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application

Jesse Hall, aka @codeSTACKr, is an accomplished full-stack developer with a dedication to teaching others about web development. By leveraging his self-taught experience, he creates engaging and informative content through articles, videos, live streaming, and interactive presentations. His areas of focus include JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB. In his pursuit of knowledge sharing, Jesse continually updates his skills and techniques to provide cutting-edge insights and tutorials for web developers of all levels.

Rahat Chowdhury
Biconomy, USA
Talk: Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3

Rahat is a hip hop artist turned web developer, indie hacker, and web3 enthusiast. Rahat's passions include advocating for mental health in tech, music, gaming, and mentoring new developers especially in the web3 space.

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react server components
David S. Price
RedwoodJS, USA
Talk: Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components

By weekday, David is a RedwoodJS cofounder, GP at Preston-Werner Ventures, and developer in residence at 128 Collective, a climate philanthropy organization. At all other times, he is mostly “Dad”, often “husband”, and, when he can sneak away, enjoying the forest, ocean, and coffee shop near his home. He can be found in northern Northern California along the coast, gazing past his computer screen at the distant ocean (courtesy of the gratuitously oversized garage-office windows).

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Kathleen McMahon
Northwestern Mutual, USA
Talk: Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks

Kathleen is a software engineer, designer, and conference speaker, who has deep industry experience that fuels her passion for making apps beautifully accessible. She’s currently a Senior Design Systems Engineer at Northwestern Mutual, she's also a Color Module Specification Editor for the W3C Design Tokens Community Group. She is the Creative Director for the CXsisters network in her spare time and the best lanterne rouge cyclocrosser you’ll ever meet.

Daniel Afonso
OLX Group, Portugal
Talk: A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts

Daniel is a Developer Advocate at OLX Group. His current interest is in React and JavaScript, and he advocates for better testing principles using the testing library. He has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.

Cecelia Martinez
Ionic, USA
Talk: Automating React Native Deployments

Cecelia Martinez is a Developer Advocate for Appflow at Ionic, a company that helps web developers build cross-platform applications using modern technology. She is dedicated to creating better, more inclusive developer experiences for all. Previous companies include Cypress and Replay, with areas of expertise including web & mobile development, testing, developer tools, and open source. She is a Lead Volunteer with Women Who Code FrontEnd, Chapter Head of Out in Tech Atlanta, and a GitHub Star.

Kaleb McKelvey
Netflix, USA
Talk: Journey Into the Unknown: My Adventure Unravelling the Mysteries of the Netflix TVUI Universe

I'm a frequent traveler, too much coffee drinker, and a constant Reddit lurker. Since Diablo 1 piqued my interest in learning how to program, I've been on a mission to continuously grow through my career and personal experiences as a Software Engineer. I hope to share the things I learn with the world!

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react native
Taz Singh
Guild, UK
Talk: Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!

Taz is the Founder of Guild and long time participant in communities around the world. He has over two decades of software experience ranging from video games & robotic AI to consumer application development, has served as a principal technical management consultant, and is a serial startup founder. When he's not behind his computer, he can be found chasing his cat around the house or being chased by cars around a race track.

Ivan Akulov
PerfPerfPerf, Netherlands
Talk: React Concurrency × Core Web Vitals

Ivan is a Google Developer Expert, web performance consultant, and full-stack software engineer. His web performance experience has helped clients like Google, Framer, Appsmith, and many more. He currently runs the web performance consulting agency PerfPerfPerf.

Outside of work, Ivan enjoys exploring modern art, discovering lesser-known electronic and techno artists, and obsessing over serif typefaces.

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react server components
Benjamin Holmes
Astro, USA
Talk: React Server Components from Scratch

Ben is a full-stack developer, open source maintainer, and whiteboardist making the web a little better. You'll find him hacking on or sharing bite-sized learnings on

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edge functions
Facundo Giuliani
Storyblok, Argentina
Talk: Pushing Boundaries to the Edge

Among the different things that Facundo enjoys, some of them are meeting and connecting with other people, web development, and talking a lot. After more than 12 years working as a developer, creating products and projects for different organizations and clients, he thought it would be great to combine those three interests in some way. In his search of ways to handle that, he discovered the world of Developer Relations. Nowadays, Facundo works as a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok, and he spends his time engaging with the dev community, speaking at events and conferences, creating and sharing content, writing articles for different websites and platforms, leading workshops, and talking (of course). He is one of the organizers of React Buenos Aires, the biggest React community in Argentina. He has been selected Prisma Ambassador, Auth0 Ambassador, and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert.

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Jasper De Moor
CodeSandbox, Belgium
Talk: Building a Node.js Runtime for the Browser

Staff software engineer at CodeSandbox pushing the boundaries of what is possible with web technology, Rust enthousiast, performance obsessed, building developer friendly tools

Brittany Joiner
PixieBrix, USA
Talk: Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer

Brittany Joiner is a marketer turned developer that now brings her skills together as Head of Developer Relations at PixieBrix! She loves building automations, tools, and toys, and she's super passionate about helping folks transition to tech careers. You'll find her traveling the world, reading by the pool, or checking out the farmers market with her girlfriend and pup.

Medhat Dawoud
Miro, The Netherlands
Talk: Beyond First Load Speed with INP

Medhat is a Senior Software Engineer at Miro and a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies with extended experience in several web technologies, through his writings on his blog, online video courses, and talks he likes to share learnings, tips to write cleaner/reusable code, and useful DevTools, also he likes to speak about web performance and how to ship a fast and accessible web application to everyone

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design systems
Karan Kiri
Fabric, India
Talk: Measuring Coverage of React Design System

Karan is working as SDE 2 at Fabric. Currently dabbling with Design System, Micro Frontend and Frontend Infrastructure

Alessia Bellisario
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Talk: How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences

Alessia lives in New York City with her wife, son, and rambunctious cat. She loves ECMAScript, building in the open, and making plotter art with her two trusty drawing robots.

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state management
Bryan Hughes
Patreon, USA
Talk: Taming the State Management Dragon

Bryan Hughes is a staff frontend engineer at Patreon, long-time member of the Node.js and NodeBots communities, and tech activist.

Bryan is the creator of Raspi IO which provides Raspberry Pi support for the Johnny-Five JavaScript robotics library. Bryan also created RVL, a distributed wireless LED lighting system designed for festivals, Reduxology, a library that makes React+Redux easier to use, and Aquarium Control, a Raspberry Pi based system for controlling lights and monitoring temperature of his aquarium.

Outside of tech, Bryan is an active member of the LGTBQ community, a photographer, pianist, and a wine aficionado.

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react server components
Pillippa Pérez Pons
Smartbiz, USA
Talk: Server Components to the Rescue: Turbocharging and Empowering Your React Apps with Style

Pillippa is a dedicated software developer and avid React enthusiast, fueled by her innate curiosity and zeal for learning. Hailing from a small town and growing up in a large family, she embraced the virtues of persistence and determination from a young age. Pillippa's keen focus on innovation and the practical application of new knowledge drives her exploration of diverse features in web development. As an active participant within the community, she aspires to inspire and collaborate with fellow developers, fostering a collective spirit of growth and advancement.

Jerel Miller
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Talk: How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences

Jerel is a Principal Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client living in beautiful Colorado, USA. He loves the art of software development and finding creative solutions to challenging problems.

Kræn Hansen
MongoDB, Denmark
Talk: How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”

Kræn is a Senior Software Engineer at MongoDB contributing primarily to Realm JS and its related packages. He has build and maintained multiple React apps, including the Realm Cloud (replaced by MongoDB Atlas post acquisition) and Realm Studio (an Electron app to browse the Realm database). He lives 30 minutes west of Copenhagen, with his wife and their two twin girls. They recently added yet another newborn girl to their pack.

Aiden Bai
Dimension (, USA
Talk: Virtual DOM: Back in Block

Aiden Bai is a frontend performance engineer with a passion for efficient developer tools. He's the creator of Million.js and is the resident performance nerd at Dimension.

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design systems
Shaun Evening
Chromatic, Canada
Talk: Defeat Decision Paralysis: Building a Killer Design System in Isolation

I'm a seasoned software developer with a passion for creating engaging developer experiences. As a Developer Experience Engineer at Chromatic, I'm dedicated to improving integrations in the Storybook ecosystem, making it easier for developers to build high-quality UIs with confidence.

In addition to my technical expertise, I'm an advocate for education and empowering developers to reach their full potential. When I'm not coding, you can find me jamming on my bass or spending quality time with my Great Danes, Zola and Noodles.

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Ruby Jane Cabagnot
Talk: Using the React Ecosystem With the World's First O(1) Javascript Framework?

Ruby Jane Cabagnot is a full-stack DotNET/Reactjs developer based in Oslo, Norway, who published a book about writing Enterprise React applications.

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Lucky Nkosi
BBD Software, South Africa
Talk: A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow

Lucky is a Software Engineer at BBD with experience in building enterprise software solutions in the banking, Insurance, entertainment, education, and telecommunications sectors.

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web development
Nikola Mitrovic
Vega IT, Serbia
Talk: Superpowers of Browser's Web API

Experienced JavaScript Software Engineer with 7 years in the industry. More skilled in Front-end Development, with high level of experience in working with Micro Front-end architecture, designing projects as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage, developing mini-applications independently, and composing them all together in the browser with different integration techniques. Passionate about web performance and ensuring the best possible User Experience of web applications.

Alexandra Spalato
Storyblok, Spain
Talk: Lightning Fast E-Commerce: Remix your Shop with Shopify Hydrogen

Alexandra Spalato is a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok. She specializes in JAMstack and headless architecture and helps developers bring their visions to life. With her diverse background as freelancer and entrepreneur, Alexandra offers a fresh perspective on building successful web projects. She is always seeking new ways to innovate and drive tech progress, whether by speaking at conferences or empowering developers.

Mike North
Elementum, USA
Talk: Breaking the 'useEffect' Habit

Mike is a passionate software engineer with an intense focus on community. His expertise has been spent organizing multiple meetup groups (React Utah, UtahJS, Free Code Camp), Improving training and content for local bootcamps and universities, running open source projects, and becoming a tech conference organizer and speaker. His goal is to help break barriers for those entering the tech industry.

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state management
Niya Panamdanam
Healthie, Canada
Talk: React State Management with Valtio

Niya is a Software Engineer at Healthie, primarily working on the front end. She is passionate about user experience, performance, the cool shit you can do with javascript, and a good cup of coffee. If she is not coding, you can find her binging anime or reading manga.

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best practices
Jon Jensen
Netflix, USA
Talk: You's the Platform!

Jon Jensen is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix working to improve the developer experience for other UI engineers. Previously he worked at Amazon and Instructure, working on all things software-y. In his spare time he's usually in the mountains or playing with his kids.

Chris Ng
Linkedin, USA
Talk: Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale

Chris Ng is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at LinkedIn based in New York City. Chris leads the linting strategy for LinkedIn's flagship web application and brings together different teams and personalities to achieve shared goals related to web infrastructure, product strategy, and resolving long standing issues.

Chris Griffing
Fairwinds, USA
Talk: Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage

A lifelong snowboarder, Chris loves long walks in the snow and toppling end over end through deep powder. He has a passion for streaming software development on Twitch and loves to just chat about tech and hang out.

Nitya Narasimhan
Microsoft, USA
Talk: Want to Build an Enterprise-Grade App? Tear One Down!

Nitya Narasimhan is a PhD and Polyglot with 20+ years of software research & development experience. She is a visual storyteller and developer advocate at Microsoft, where she builds code and content to empower JavaScript developers do more with Cloud + AI.

Lucas Estevão
Avenue Code, USA
Talk: Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security

Lucas is a proud dad and kickboxing brown belt. He has over 15 years of experience in large-scale software development, from system design and architecture to engineering management of front-end teams. In addition, he invests time in influencing technical recruitment processes, mentoring engineers, and, most recently, hosting a career podcast in Brazilian Portuguese. Currently working at Apple as a contractor from Avenue Code.

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web components
Tony Alicea
The Smyth Group, USA
Talk: Authoring HTML in a JavaScript World

Tony is a bestselling Udemy and Pluralsight author, known for his online courses such as "JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts", in which he focuses on teaching web and computer science fundamentals. He has spent 25 years as a web application developer, database architect, and UX designer and continues to focus on creating a usable and accessible web. He holds a BS in computer science from Case Western Reserve University.

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design systems
Maxi Ferreira
Help Scout, Los Angeles, California
Talk: The Messy Middle — Navigating Complexity in Large React Applications

Maxi is a full-stack software engineer with a passion for creating delightful user experiences. He works at Help Scout as a Staff Frontend Engineer, specializing in frontend architecture, web performance, and third-party application development. Originally from Buenos Aires, Maxi now lives in Los Angeles, CA with his wife, two daughters, and two dogs.

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state management
Robert Balicki
Talk: Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render

Robert is a staff software engineer at Pinterest.

Heather May
Stitch Fix, USA
Talk: The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring

Heather May is a Lead Software Engineer at Stitch Fix, author, musician, and proud Mama of the sweetest Pointer-mix rescue.

Sidney Buckner
Deeper Than Tech, USA
Talk: The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring

Sidney is a Software Engineer and educator based in Atlanta, GA, US. She always aims to keep people laughing and learning something while navigating the tech industry. Her work includes finding compassion and play as she shares how she navigates her tech career on her YouTube channel and co-hosts the Deeper Than Tech Podcast.

Saurav Jain
Amplication, India
Talk: Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project

Over the past two years, Saurav has been dedicated to fostering and growing a vibrant community of over 30,000 open-source developers. Saurav's expertise lies in running successful programs such as "Issues for First Timers," which has facilitated the onboarding of hundreds of new developers into the world of open source. With a strong online presence, Saurav has garnered a substantial following of over 40,000 on Twitter. He actively engages with the open-source community, sharing valuable insights, promoting collaboration, and advocating for the benefits of open-source software. Saurav's expertise in community management and his commitment to open-source development have earned him opportunities to speak at renowned conferences worldwide, including PyCon Ireland, PyCon Italy, FOSS Mumbai, OCD India,, and many more. As a speaker, Saurav brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, inspiring others to embrace open-source and contribute to its growth. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and practical strategies from Saurav's engaging and informative sessions, empowering them to navigate the open-source landscape and make a meaningful impact within their own communities.

Konstantin Lebedev
STRV, Czech Republic
Talk: Javascript Optional: Modern React Applications That Work Without JS

Web developer, speaker, and educator. Constantly discovering new ways to improve the architecture of web applications, and make them more secure, fast, and interactive.

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concurrent rendering
Stephen Cooper
AG Grid, UK
Talk: Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?

Stephen is a Senior Developer at AG Grid. An active blogger writing about web tech who speaks at conferences and meet-ups worldwide, sharing practical and experience-based tips, tricks, and case studies.

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react server components
Matt Carroll
Meta, USA

Matt Carroll works as a developer advocate on the React team at Meta. He is currently focused on collaborations with the community and server components. Before Meta, Matt worked in developer relations at Google.

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state management
Mark Erikson, USA
Talk: Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit

Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.

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artificial intelligence
Luis H. Ball Jr.
imgix, USA
Talk: Transforming Images Using AI Without Leaving Your React App

Luis is a Senior Software Engineer at imgix, focusing on delivering the best images and video developer experience on the web. He’s passionate about open source and baseball (let’s go Bucs!). He's a defunct tech collector, amassing a now-useless pile of everything from eMate 400s to HD-DVD players.

Tom Northall-Little
Canva, Australia
Talk: Canva’s App UI Kit: Empowering Developers With Modern Web Technologies

Tom is a Senior Software Engineer at Canva, based in Sydney. He has worked on Canva’s Apps SDK for the last few years, working across the stack to deliver the APIs that Canva’s growing developer ecosystem loves.

Shivay Lamba
TensorFlowJS Working Group Lead, India
Talk: Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs

Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development.

He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and has also been a MLH Fellow. He is actively involved in community work as well. He is a TensorflowJS SIG member, Mentor in OpenMined and CNCF Service Mesh Community, SODA Foundation and has given talks at various conferences like Github Satellite, Voice Global, Fossasia Tech Summit, TensorflowJS Show & Tell.

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Our MCs

Andronica Klaas
Meta, USA

Andronica Klaas is a QA Engineering Lead at Meta where she leads a Quality Assurance team supporting Privacy and Compliance across the Meta Family of apps. A graduate of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership for Girls, she is passionate about empowering women, first-generation students, minorities in Tech, and HBCU students through intentional and infrastructural programming. Klaas is also an advocate for building confidence and belonging in women in tech and engineering and has for the past year worked with Discover E to connect thousands of women around the world for uplifting conversations to help them persevere and thrive in engineering and technology careers through the Discover E monthly virtual speaker series - as the host of the Discover E Persist series and recently hosted the React Miami Conference.

Mettin Parzinski
Miro, Netherlands

Father, husband, squash player, quite bad at chess, metalhead, aspiring woodworker. Working in the developer experience team at Miro to enable other developers to create awesome plugins for Miro boards.

Jack Herrington
Blue Collar Coder, USA

Jack Herrington is a principal full stack engineer, author and YouTuber who is trying to bring a practical approach to engineering and education to developers at all skill levels.

Josh Goldberg
Open Source Developer, USA

Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of the O’Reilly Learning TypeScript book, a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.


Program Committee

Josh Goldberg
Open Source Developer, USA

Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of the O’Reilly Learning TypeScript book, a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.

Matheus Albuquerque
Medallia, Czech Republic

I'm a Sr. Front-End Engineer at Medallia, building their surveys platform and helping them shape the customer experience market with React.

My areas of interest include JS and compile-to-JS languages, DX, and performance optimization. Aside from public speaking about these, I also volunteer at TechLabs, teaching front-end development.

Naz Delam
LinkedIn, USA

Naz is a software engineering manager at LinkedIn, ex at Netflix and Technology Career Coach at Mentorcruise. She is passionate about UI Engineering, Career Development and growth skills. Prior to Netflix, she worked in the Finance industry as a Software Architect. Naz is dedicated to advancing and growing careers of many engineers across the world 🌎 . She is an active Career Coach on MentorCruise. She also volunteers with Hour of Code teaching high school girls how to code and serves as a member of MentorCruise and BuiltByGirls to coach engineers. When she’s not working, you’re most likely to find her exploring the world 🌱, playing games, or curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee. 📚☕

Aashima Ahuja
Freelance Consultant, Netherlands

I am a frontend engineer working in Miro. I am a JS enthusiast. I love talking about the Web and exploring new technologies. I believe knowledge grows with sharing , so I love to spread my knowledge about frontend.

Kathryn Nanz
Progress, USA

Kathryn Grayson Nanz is a developer advocate at Progress with a passion for React, UI and design and sharing with the community. She started her career as a graphic designer and was told by her Creative Director to never let anyone find out she could code because she’d be stuck doing it forever. She ignored his warning and has never been happier. You can find her writing, blogging, streaming and tweeting about React, design, UI and more.

Nicola Corti
Meta, UK

Nicola Corti is a Software Engineer in the React Native team @ Meta, building tooling and infrastructure to support mobile engineers in the open-source space.

He's a Google Developer Expert for Kotlin and has been working with the language since before version 1.0. He's the maintainer of several open-source libraries, and he's the host of the Developers' Bakery podcast.

Furthermore, he is an active member of the developer community. His involvement goes from speaking at international conferences to being a member of CFP committees and supporting developer communities across Europe.

In his free time, he also loves baking and running marathons.

Workshops Free & PRO

Take full advantage of your conference experience, and get training from our best speakers and instructors. We'll cover TypeScript, Testing React Apps, Advanced React, etc. while allocating enough time for practice.
workshop training workshop training workshop training workshop training
Senior Mindset Workshop: Think like a *True* Senior Engineer (In-Person)

November 14, 9:00-18:00 EST. In-person in New York, venue – WorkSocial (111 Town Square Pl Suite 1203, Jersey City, NJ 07310).

Swizec Teller
Swizec Teller
Advanced React Composition Patterns (In-Person)

November 14, 9:00-18:00 EST. In-person in New York, venue – DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Suites Jersey City (455 Washington Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07310).

Brad Westfall
Brad Westfall
Build Web Apps Faster and Smarter With Remix (Remote)

November 16-17. Time: 9:00-13:00 ET. Remote.

Brad Westfall
Brad Westfall
Advanced React Composition Patterns (remote)

Date & time: December 4-5, 11:00am-03:00pm EST. Remote via Zoom.

Brad Westfall
Brad Westfall
TypeScript, Deep Dive (remote)

Date & time: December 14&15, 10:00am-02:00pm EST. Remote via Zoom.

Michel Weststrate
Michel Weststrate
Let AI Be Your Docs

November 17. Time: 11:00 - 14.00 ET

Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Building Reusable Server Components in NextJS

November 21. Time: 10:00-12.00 ET

Will Bishop
Will Bishop
Mettin Parzinski
Mettin Parzinski
The Gateway to Backend: A Frontend Developer's Guide to Full-Stack Development

November 16. Time: 11.00-14.00 ET

Amy Dutton
Amy Dutton
Build a powerful DataGrid in few hours with Ag Grid

November 8, 12:00-15:00 ET, Remote

Brian Love
Brian Love
Monitoring 101 for React Developers

November 7, Time: 13:00-15:00 ET, Remote

Lazar Nikolov
Lazar Nikolov
Sarah Guthals
Sarah Guthals
From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk

November 9, Time: 11:00-14:00 ET, Remote

Dev Agrawal
Dev Agrawal
Build and Deploy Instant GraphQL APIs to the Edge

November 10, Time: 11:00-12:00 ET

Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
Advanced Application Deployment Patterns with React Server Components (feat. a DIY RSC Framework)

November 14, Time: 11:00-14:00 ET

Greg Brimble
Greg Brimble
Mastering advanced concepts in TypeScript

November 6, Time: 11:00-14:00 ET

Jiri Lojda
Jiri Lojda

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GitNation Multipass

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Hybrid Ticket, Blind Bird

November 2024


In-person participation on day 1, remote on day 2

Access to venue & catering

In-person & remote networking

Speakers meet & greets

Free remote workshops

Early access to talk recordings

The biggest React party in the US

Hybrid tech discussion rooms

Certificates on conference / workshop participation

Physical swag package


Remote Full Ticket with Multipass

Nov 13, 15 (remote)


Remote participation on Nov 13 & 15

Interactive video stream in HD quality

Remote networking

Interactive sessions with speakers

Free remote workshops

Early access to talk recordings

Remote tech discussion rooms

Certificates on conference / workshop participation

Full remote access to React Summit, React Advanced, JSNation, Vue.js Live

Full remote access to TestJS Summit, Node Congress, GraphQL Galaxy, TypeScript Congress


Multipass and full ticket perks

Free workshops

Live participation + workshop recordings will be shared after the conference

Get recordings right after the conference

Others will get it in a month

2x more content

Enjoy 2 days of talks from world renowned speakers

Enjoy HD streaming quality

Get the full experience & get prepared for a big screen

Your chance to get a free Remote Full ticket

Share your personal badge on Twitter or Linkedin and get a free limited remote ticket (50% of talks, no workshops), and when 3 people register with your badge you'll get a Full remote ticket

Share badge and get a full ticket


[email protected]


Take part in video discussions focusing on specific technologies. Hang out with people who are on the same page.

The full program of discussion rooms will be published closer to the conference.

Career / Life Balance logo

Career / Life Balance

Shivay Lamba closeup

Shivay Lamba

Rachel Nabors closeup

Rachel Nabors

Kathryn Grayson Nanz closeup

Kathryn Grayson Nanz

Brittany Joiner closeup

Brittany Joiner

Pillippa Pérez Pons closeup

Pillippa Pérez Pons

Kræn Hansen closeup

Kræn Hansen

Shaun Evening closeup

Shaun Evening

Chris Ng closeup

Chris Ng

Chris Griffing closeup

Chris Griffing

Tony Alicea closeup

Tony Alicea

Heather May closeup

Heather May

Saurav Jain closeup

Saurav Jain

Career / Life Balance
AI Engineering logo

AI Engineering

Shawn Swyx Wang closeup

Shawn Swyx Wang

Kathleen McMahon closeup

Kathleen McMahon

Kathryn Grayson Nanz closeup

Kathryn Grayson Nanz

Swizec Teller closeup

Swizec Teller

Hassan El Mghari  closeup

Hassan El Mghari

AI Engineering
React Server Components logo

React Server Components

Kathryn Grayson Nanz closeup

Kathryn Grayson Nanz

Pillippa Pérez Pons closeup

Pillippa Pérez Pons

Kaleb McKelvey closeup

Kaleb McKelvey

Jon Jensen closeup

Jon Jensen

Tony Alicea closeup

Tony Alicea

Heather May closeup

Heather May

React Server Components
TypeScript logo


Josh Goldberg closeup

Josh Goldberg

Aiden Bai closeup

Aiden Bai

Niya Panamdanam closeup

Niya Panamdanam

Jon Jensen closeup

Jon Jensen

Robert Balicki closeup

Robert Balicki

Heather May closeup

Heather May

Sidney Buckner closeup

Sidney Buckner

Design Systems logo

Design Systems

Shaun Evening closeup

Shaun Evening

Niya Panamdanam closeup

Niya Panamdanam

Tony Alicea closeup

Tony Alicea

Heather May closeup

Heather May

Design Systems
a11y: how to convince team, implement and maintain it logo

a11y: how to convince team, implement and maintain it

Medhat Dawoud closeup

Medhat Dawoud

Shaun Evening closeup

Shaun Evening

Lucky Nkosi closeup

Lucky Nkosi

Chris Ng closeup

Chris Ng

Tony Alicea closeup

Tony Alicea

Saurav Jain closeup

Saurav Jain

a11y: how to convince team, implement and maintain it


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Giving back to community

We try our best to make all our events accessible and inclusive for a diverse audience. Get in touch with us if you wish to support this initiative, and help us provide Diversity Scholarships for the underrepresented groups in tech.

0 of 100 extra diversity scholarships sponsored


We would not be here, if companies like Facebook would not invest into Open Source so heavily, as well as React would not grow that much without support of multiple great companies from across the globe. We're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.

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Check sponsorship opportunities.

Media Partners
Tech Partners
  • Hygraph
  • FocusReactive
    Next.js, Headless CMS and eCommerce expert agency

    FocusReactive will help you architect, build, and lead technically advanced websites with a focus on performance and scalability. Partners and experts in Next.js/Vercel, Storyblok, Sanity, Contentful, Shopify Hydrogen, and other Headless eCommerce platforms.

    Whether you seek expert Headless CMS consulting services or an expert agency with deep experience with platforms like Storyblok or Sanity, FocusReactive is the one to help you scale.

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